Chapter 1 - Life Begins with Cells Pt.2

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Biological reproduction

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Biological reproduction

________, with continuing evolutionary selection for a highly functional body plan, is why todays horseshoe crabs look much as they did 300 million years ago.

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The M and S phases are separated by two gap stages, the** ________ phase and G2 phase,** during which mRNAs and proteins are made.

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To create the low pH environment, proteins located in the** lysosomal membrane** pump hydrogen ions into the** lysosome** using energy supplied from ________.

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________ can produce a particular** mRNA** only when the encoded protein is needed, thus minimizing wasted energy.

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unique functions

The ________ and micro- climates of the various cell compartments are due largely to the proteins that reside in their membranes or interior.

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ionic composition

The cytosol and the internal spaces of organelles differ from each other and from the cell exterior in terms of** acidity, ________, and protein contents**

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Teton Mountains

The ________ in Wyoming, now about 14, 000 feet high and still growing, didn't exist a mere 10 million years ago.

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plasma membrane

The cytoskeleton prevents the ________ of animal cells from relaxing into a sphere it also functions in cell locomotion and the intracellular transport of** vesicles**,** chromosomes**, and** macromolecules**

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asexual process

Mitosis** is a(n) ________ since the daughter cells carry the exact same genetic information as the parental cell.

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complex macromolecules

Directly or indirectly, all of our food is created by plant cells using sunlight to build ________ during** photosynthesis**

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cytoplasm of fat

The circulating insulin signal causes glucose transporters in the ________ and muscle cells to move to the cell surface, where they begin importing glucose.

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E coli cells

________ prefer glucose as a sugar source, but they can survive on lactose in a pinch.

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Elaborate systems

________ regulate the assembly and disassembly of the cytoskeleton, thereby controlling cell shape.

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Gene expression

________, the overall process of selectively reading and using genetic information, is commonly controlled at the** level of transcription**, the first step in the production of proteins.

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Mobile elements

________, which were discovered first in plants, are responsible for leaf color variegation and the diverse beautiful color patterns of Indian corn kernels.

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Proteins are secreted from the cell and most membrane proteins are made on ________ associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

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abundant protein

Collagen**, the single most ________ in the animal kingdom, is a major component of the extracellular matrix in most tissues.

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fundamental defect

The ________ in cancer is the loss of the ability to control the growth and division of cells.

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membrane proteins

The attachment of some ________ to other molecules inside or outside the cell restricts their lateral movement.

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eukaryotic cells

Most of the DNA in ________ is located in the nucleus, extensively folded into the familiar structures we know as** chromosomes**

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________ have a less distinct division between somatic and germ- line cells since many plant cells can function in both capacities.

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tough matrix

A specialized, especially ________, the basal lamina, forms a supporting layer underlying sheet- like cell layers and helps prevent the cells from ripping apart.

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phospholipid layers

The two** ________ of** a membrane are oriented with all the** hydrophilic ends** directed toward the inner and outer surfaces and the hydrophobic ends buried within the interior.

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sexual reproduction

In** ________**, the fusion of two cells produces a third cell that contains genetic information from each parental cell.

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bacterial cells

Like ________,** unicellular eukaryotes** may be subjected to widely varying environmental conditions that require extensive changes in cellular structures and function.

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cell surface

The binding of many other** hormones** and of growth factors to receptors on the ________ triggers different signal- transduction pathways that also lead to changes in the transcription of specific genes.

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genome of an organism

The ________ comprises its entire complement of DNA.

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hormone insulin

The rise in blood glucose is sensed by cells in the pancreas, which respond by releasing their stored supply of the** protein ________**

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circular DNA

This is the ________ present in mitochondria, the organelles in eukaryotic cells that synthesize ATP using the energy released by the breakdown of nutrients.

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DNA polymerase

________**, which is responsible for linking nucleotides into a DNA strand.

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eukaryotic cell cycle

The ________ commonly is represented as four stages.

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steroid hormones

Since ________ can circulate in the bloodstream, they can affect the properties of many or all cells in a temporally coordinated manner.

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________ need to break down worn- out or obsolete parts into small molecules that can be discarded or recycled.

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Some proteins are made on ________ that are free in the** cytosol**

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Mobile elements

________ were later found in bacteria which they often carry and, unfortunately,** disseminate genes** for antibiotic resistance.

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plasma membrane

The** ________** and other cellular membranes are composed primarily of two layers of phospholipid molecules.

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________ possess numerous receptor proteins for detecting signals and elaborate pathways for transmitting them within the ________ to evoke a response.

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________ can move at rates on the order of 20 m /second.

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