Cranial Bones
ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal (2), sphenoid, and temporal bone (2)
Facial Bones
Inferior nasal concha (2), Lacrimal bone, Mandible, Maxilla, Nasal bone, Palatine bone, Vomer, Zygomatic bone
Skull bony markings
external acoustic meatus of temporal bone, mastoid process of temporal bone, temporal process of zygomatic bone, foramen magnum of occipital bone
Ethmoid Bone
Ethmoid Bone (second set)
Frontal Bone
Occipital bone
Parietal bones
sphenoid bone
temporal bones (2)
inferior nasal concha (2)
lacrimal bone
nasal bone
palatine bone
zygomatic bone
external acoustic meatus of temporal bone
mastoid process of temporal bone
temporal process of zygomatic bone
foramen magnum of occipital bone