How do kidneys compensate for respiratory alkaliosis ?
the slower pace this imbalance happens it helps the kidneys maintain normal blood PH
dissolves easily in water
does not dissolves easily in water
What is the importance of water in biochem ?
allows anything inside the cell to have the right shape at the molecular level
Simple diffusion ?
movement of molecules from an area in high concentration to low concentration
movement of water through a semipermeable membrane that does not allow solutes to cross
fluid tonicity
solutions in which the solutes is lower concentrated than the cell is hypotonic. solutes more concentrated than cell is called hypertonic
the body needs to reach and maintain a certain state equiliprum
section of DNA wrapped around core of protien
group pf protien found in chromatin
general term of histones and DNA
Rough ER
Produce protien and ribosomes attached to it
Smooth ER
produce lipids and detoxify toxins through the liver and kidney
What are functions of mitochonderia in animals ?
gives energy depends how much this organelle needs