Pre Socratic
Plato's philosophy was deeply rooted in the mysticism of the Pythagorean School, founded by the ________ philosopher and mystic Pythagoras (l. c. 571- c.497 BCE)
________ claimed that intellectual concepts of the Truth could not be gained from experience and nothing could actually be learned.
Golden Mean
The ________ is one of Aristotle's best- known contributions to philosophical thought (after the Prime Mover) but it should be noted that this was only in the realm of ethics and Aristotle contributed to every branch of knowledge available in his time.
ancient philosophy
Through Alexander, Aristotle's works were spread throughout the known world of the time, influencing ________ and providing a foundation for the development of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim theology.
Greek philosopher
Aristotle of Stagira (l. 384- 322 BCE) was a(n) ________ who pioneered systematic, scientific examination in literally every area of human knowledge and was known, in his time, as "the man who knew everything "and later simply as "The Philosopher, "needing no further qualification as his fame was so widespread.
________ emphasized the immortality of the soul and the importance of virtuous living, recognizing there are essential, indisputable truths in life which one must recognize and adhere to in order to live a good life.