the dietetics profession had its
100 birthday in 2017
first known written dietary recommendations
Babylonian Tablets
prenatal dietary prescription
Book of Judges
diet comes from the Greek word
diatta, which means “manner of living”
oldest known cookbook
de re Culinaria by Apicius
branch of Chinese medicine
ancient chinese food therapy
china- song dynasty
“clinical trial” using ginseng, gave some people ginseng, other people not, and then they raced. hypothesized that ginseng would help people win.
william the conqueror
liquid weight loss diet (wine)
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
Britain, first written evidence of hospital menu (bread and wine)
De re Medicina
in Florence, Italy; publication where medicine was divided into 3 branches
what were the three branches medicine was divide into?
diseases treated manually, diseases treated by medicine, and diseases treated by diet
Dr. George Cheyne
weight loss book based on milk diet
first hospitals in US
Philidelphia General Hospital and Pennsylvania Hospital
Philidelphia general hospital and pennsylvania hospital had
poor conditions with diets of mush, molasses, and beer
Antione- Laurent de Lavoisier
work on digestion; first modern, scientific research on nutrition (worked on animals to see what was going on in the GI tract
nutritional epidemiology
study of the relationship of diet to human disease
Dr. James Lind
research on scurvy
weight loss diets
poet Lord Byron (soak everything he ate in vinegar) and Reverend Sylvester Graham (graham cracker- reduce sexual desire)
Florence Nightingale
development of foodservice and sanitation
what were the first colleges to offer courses in “cookery”
Iowa Agricultural School and Kansas State Agricultural College
Dr. John Harvey Kellog Battle Creek Sanitarium in MI
vegetarianism, granola and toasted flakes, pure foods, slow chewing (behavior modification), calorie counting, colon cleansing, and individual diets
Sarah Tyson Rorer
first American dietitian; Philadelphia cooking school
American Medical Association
committee on dietetics, Rorer edited new publication entitled the Dietetic Gazette, wrote for popular magazines, and establish first dietary counseling service
polished rice
USDA published first food composition tables
Lake Placid Conference on Home Economics
term dietitian was first defined- applied to persons who specialize in the knowledge of food and can meet the demands of the medical profession for diet therapy
first dietetic internship
New York department of charities
fighting faddism and quackery
Casimir Funk
coined term of vita- essential for life and amines- believed to be derived from ammonia; later for substances (B1, B2, C, D)
when was the spelling of dietitian agreed upon?
Marjori Hulsizer Copher
nutrition research and world war I
the American Dietetic Association was formed in 1917 by
vice president- Lenna Frances Cooper, president- Lula G. Graves
dieto- therapy
sippy diet for ulcers, diabetic diets, very low calorie diets- for obesity (400- 750 calories)
federal maternity and infancy act in 1920s and Title V of the Social Security Act in 1935
funding for employment of dietitians in state and federal health departments
national school lunch act
school lunch programs and personnel training
medicare and medicaid legislation
consultant dietitians in healthcare facilities and nursing homes
TOPS (take off pounds sensibly)
founded as first national group dieting organization
overeaters anonymous
weight watchers
war on poverty
USDA food assistance programs including food stamp program, school lunch and breakfast programs, WIC, elderly food programs
cooperative extension services, EFNEP
In what century was the role of dietitians important in the military?
in the 21st century, there was
rapid change and challenges, health literacy, inadequacy of nutrition education in medical schools, preventative care and healthy lifestyles
in the 21st century, the priority areas were
aging, child nutrition, healthcare reform, nutrigenomics, sustainability, MNT, nutritional monitoring, nutrition research, obesity, hunger, food insecurity, food safety, physical activity
in 2012, the ADA changed to
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
optional credential of RDN and nutrition and dietetics technician registered (NDTR)
when was the seal of the academy of nutrition and dietetics established?
when was the nutrition profession established?
what 3 main characteristics does the seal represent?
balance, caduceus, and cooking vessel
what does balance represent on the seal?
the foundation of science
what does caduceus represent on the seal?
the close relationship between medicine and dietetics
what does the cooking vessel on the seal represent?
cooking and food preparation
on the seal, what do the shafts of wheat represent?
bread as the staff of life
what do the acanthus leaves represent on the seal?
growth and life
what does the cornucopia represent on the seal?
an abundant food supply
dietetics position
any position that requires or makes use of your education, training, and/or experience in dietetics or nutrition, including outside of “traditional” dietetics practice
what are the 5 characteristics of our profession?
specialized body of knowledge, specialized services rendered to society, an obligation for service to the client that overrides personal considerations, concern for competence and honor among practitioners, an obligation to continuing education, research, and sharing knowledge for the common good
a professional person who is a translator of the science and art of food, nutrition, and dietetics in the service of people
licensed dietitian
dietetic technician, registered
nutrition and dietetic technician, registered
what are the influences on a dietitian’s salary?
where you live, what you practice, how long you’ve been in the field, how much education do you have
median salary
together everyone achieves more
factors influencing a healthcare team approach
“graying of America”, shortage of qualified healthcare practitioners, specialized medical treatments, focus on prevention, cost benefits of a healthy workforce
allied health
cluster or roles in the healthcare system that assist, facilitate, and complement the work of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists
two or more individuals interacting with each other in such a way that each person influences and is influenced by each other
a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance, goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
what is very important in a team?
assertive communicationi
a team must:
comprise a small number of people, have complementary skills, have a general consensus on why the team exists, hold themselves mutually accountable for the work and the results of the team’s efforts
what are characteristics of a mature team?
being aware of your own and each other’s assets and liabilities with regard to the team’s task and be accepting of authority and interpersonal relationships