Global Exploration Roadmap
The ________ suggests first building a space station as an orbital base from which to send astronauts back and forth to the moon.
________ has said his life goal is to create a thriving Mars colony as a fail- safe for humanity in case of a catastrophic event on Earth, such as a nuclear war or Terminator- style artificial intelligence coup.
Apollo guidance computer
The ________ was a predecessor to the microcomputer, now found in all smartphones.
Soviet Union
The ________ pulled ahead with the first space walks, but US president John F Kennedys announcement that America would put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s focused the space race squarely on that goal.
________ behave and develop differently in microgravity, which assists scientists in finding cures.
________ has around $ 10bn worth of launches already booked and saves costs through reusable spacecraft, where even the rocket boosters land themselves back on the ground and can be dusted off for reuse.
Apollo 11
________ touched down on our dusty grey neighbour on 20 July 1969.
The ________ is the most expensive machine ever constructed with a price tag at around $ 150bn (ÂŁ115bn)
Space flight
________ is now a venerable industry.
________ says the BFR is partly inspired by Tintins rocket and will be the biggest ever made at close to 40 storeys high and capable of ferrying as many as 100 passengers per trip, depending on how much luggage they want to put in the hold.