Spine: Vertebral Column
supports the skull
How many curves should be in the spine
four curves
primary curves of the spine
curve in ( cervical and lumbar)
how/when do primary curves form
form when a baby lifts its head
over exaggerating of curves can lead to....
Secondary curves
Curve out ( Thoracic and Sacral)
how/when do secondary curves form?
form when babies are learning to walk
what does the spine give attachment to?
pelvic girdle ( pelvis/hips)
Discs in the spine
hard cartilage
the adult spine has how many vertebrae
surround and protect the spinal cord and nerves
what do discs act as, in between vertebrae
acts as a pillow ( barrier so bone isn't grinding against bone)
How many cervical vertebrae are there?
7 (C1-C7)
1st vertebrae called Atlas
what does Atlas do?
holds up and articulates the skull
Where does Atlas lie?
Behind the eyes in the skull
2nd Vertebrae called Axis
What does (C-2) Axis do?
assists in the rotation of the head from side to side
7th Vertebrae
7th Vertebrae
largest cervical and usually protrude and can be felt at the base of the neck
Thoracic Vertebrae
T1-T12; second set of 12 vertebrae; they articulate with the 12 pairs of ribs to form the outward curve of the spine
How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
What do the thoracic vertebrae do?
They hold the ribs in place and strengthens the ribcage
Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)
largest of the vertebrae, bears much of the body's weight from gravity
Sacrum Vertebrae
5 fused vertebrae ( fuses between puberty and age 30)
coccyx vertebrae
4 fused vertebrae ( tail bone)
provides protection for internal cartilage including heart and lungs
True ribs (1-7)
have a direct attachment to the sternum via cartilage
false ribs (8-10)
connect together as one piece
(11-12) floating ribs
do not attach to sternum
Coastal Cartilage of Ribs
flexible and resilient part of ribs, attaches to the sternums, allows the ribcage to lift and expand as air travels into the lungs
breastbone ( ribs attach to the sternum)
How many parts are there in the sternum?
3 parts
How many bones are in the skull
Zygomatic bone
cheek bone and side of eye socket
upper jaw bone
lower jaw bone
protects brain from minor injury
shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint)
ball and socket joint
shoulder consists of how many bones
what are the three bones in the shoulder
clavicle, scapula, humerus
collar bone
shoulder joint
upper arm bone
How many scapulas does a body have?
two, one on each side ( sit on top of the ribs)
shorter bone of the lower arm
where does the radius lie?
the same side as the thumb ( think of the radio situation)
what does the radius rotate around?
the ulna
longer bone of the lower arm
Where does the ulna lie?
on the pinkie side
hinge joint
what is the elbow formed by?
the ulna and humerus bones
5 bones ( one in each finger, like metatarsals) 1 - 5 ( pinkie finger
2nd metacarpal
longest of the metacarpals, but least mobile
1st metacarpal
thumb ( thickest and shortest of the metacarpals)
3-5th Metacarpals
articulate with only one carpal
How many phalanges are in the hand
14 ( two in thumb, three in every other finger)
Distal phalanges
farthest from the body
Proximal phalanges of the hands
closest to the body
How many carpal bones are in the hand?
How many bones are in the hand?
27 ( 8 carpal, 5 metacarpal, 14 phalanges)