Chapter 27: The European Search for Stability, 1920-1939

  • The Eastern European Empires fell

    • Finland gained independence from Russia

    • Poland was rebuilt in order to weaken Germany and Russia

    • Czechoslovakia was taken out of German and Austrian lands

    • Yugoslavia encompassed most of the Balkan region

  • After the war, the German civilian population, domestic infrastructure, and industrial power remained mostly intact

    • Stayed the industrial power of Europe

    • There was an increased sense that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair

  • Treaty of Rapallo (1922)

    • Tried to create economic cooperation between Germany and Russia

  • Germany secretly started to rebuild its military to regain the Polish Corridor

  • The World Economy collapsed

    • War debt

    • Bonds (inflation increased leading to loss of wealth and destruction of savings)

    • Inter-government loans

    • Increased printing of currency

    • Slowed demand for goods

  • Dawes Plan

    • United States would provide Germany with loans and the allies would schedule payments over time

  • U.S. protectionist policies stopped European access to large U.S. markets and stable currency

    • European and U.S. trade declined as U.S. goods were too expensive

    • U.S. and German financial institutions became tied together as trade declined

  • Depression hit Germany due to the 1929 Stock Market crash

  • Great Purge (1934-1938)

  • Communism rose to popularity in the 1920s

  • Fascism: nationalistic, anti-liberal, authoritarian regime which based its ideology in irrational rhetoric

  • Corporate State: corporations sponsored by the state became the foundation for Italian Fascism

    • Lateran Treaty

  • 1939 Pact of Steel

    • Bound Italian military to Germany

  • Treaty of Versailles’ effects on Germany

    • Democratic government (Weimar Republic) was implemented in Germany

    • German sovereignty was limited

  • Hitler

    • Leader of the National Socialist Party (Nazis)

    • Attempted to lead a revolt in 1923

    • Hitler’s popularity grew as the rates of unemployment dropped

  • The Popular Front (1936)

  • Great Britain failed to deal with the depression

  • Spain became a democratic republic in 1931

    • Elected radical popular front in 1936

  • Hitler declared the Treaty of Versailles as null-in-void

    • Began World War II
