Western Europe has been a farming society: the majority of Europeans lived in the families of farming villages.
Agricultural and animal husbandry were practiced in Europe for thousands of years but great technological advances took place in the late Middle Ages.
Trade expansion has stimulated market and city growth.
The monarchies of western Europe began to replace the lords in this period of social and political chaos as the new centers of power.
By promising internal order, they built their legitimacy while uniting their realms.
Prince Henry set up an academy of eminent geographers, makers of instruments, shipbuilders, and marine workers.
The learned men of Sagres Point, who studied the maritime traditions of Asia and the Muslim world, incorporated them into a new ship design called a caravan, more quickly and better than any ship previously known throughout Europe.
Columbus sold the plan to the Castilian and Aragonese monarchs, to Isabel and Ferdinand.
Both had just finished the Reconquista, a long battle between Catholics and Muslims that ended Muslim rule in Spain.
Fighting violence included the first stages of the Spanish invasion of America.
Armies marched on Caribbean islands, pillaged villages, killed men, and captured women
Las Casas accused the Spanish of cruelties leading to the destruction of the Indians in 1552 and millions of Indians' killings he accused them of genocide
Spanish chroniclers said that half of the Americans affected this single epidemic.
The disease was the Spanish's secret weapon and helps to explain its outstanding success.
Crosby is called the "Colombian Exchange," which is the beginning of modern world history.
Warriors from the powerful indigenous rulers beat this and several other invasion attempts, and de León was killed in 1521.
Seven years later Florida was also ended in a disaster by another Spain attempt to colonize under Pánfilo de Narváez.
In 1517, when the German priest Martin Luther made his differences with Rome public, the Protestant Reformation—religious revolt against the Roman Catholic Church.
Luther declared eternal salvation not to be life baseddenserregion’s natural abundancean O’odham the Catholic Church and to be a gift from God.
The Protestant Calvin founded the Geneva theocracy.
In France, his followers are known as Huguenots, mostly from the middle city, but a part of the nobility that was not included Catholic monarch's central authority.
Henry succeeded Edward VI, his young and sick son, who died shortly.
Next in succession was Mary of Edward's Catholic half-sister, who persecuted and martyred hundreds of English Protestants and married Philip II of the Spanish, self-identified Catholic defender.
He was named "Bloody Mary" by her.
Roanoke was far more promising than Gilbert's between 1584 and 1587, but also too was unsuccessful.
Raleigh moved to establish a colony in the south.
Unlike the French, who focused on trade, the English tried to dominate and conquer the indigenous people, using their Irish experience.