Some of the most common financial pitfalls seen in peers may be not saving enough, getting many monthly bills, and applying for too many student loans. Some of this is from not thinking ahead or seeing the future and panicking. It may be caused by not taking advantage of the here and now. If possible, take advantage of the time you have, use your newfound independence to your advantage, and not panic when you see a high tuition number.
High School is when most students get jobs during
school. They start working and are getting paid. The first paycheck is usually
gone within the week. The problem is this habit does not change. They may put
away what they do not spend into another account, but their priorities are
their social life, a new closet, or the newest iPhone. Personnel saving
at least fifty to seventy-five percent of one's check is the way to go. Still,
having a budget for social affairs is fantastic, and one can still get nice
things. This way, one will save most of your money and still have fun. High
school is meant to have fun. Personally, trying is essential. Try to be smart
with the things you were given.
Once again, getting used to having money and newfound
independence. This usually means a monthly phone bill, gas bill, and maybe
payments on an actual car, and for girls’ monthly eyelash appointments, hair
appointments, nail appointments, and waxing appointments. It takes much of your
money when all this is said and done. Most of this is not realistic if you save
fifty to seventy-five percent of your check. So, keep in mind some of the
things you must be aware of constantly. Being able to cut down the monthly
Expenses are helpful. As for the beauty aspect, look for some cheap
alternatives. Such as learning how to wax your eyebrows yourself, buying nail
polish and fake nails, maybe getting fake eyelashes with glue or a more
expensive mascara, and perhaps not changing your hair colour five times a year.
Being able to balance is the key, and it varies for everyone.
Since everyone is so keen on spending their money,
they panic and start applying for student loans as soon as they get them. They
do not usually think of applying for scholarships and bursaries. Being able to
a plan is essential for just about everything. They are not panicking and know
that summer jobs come out before too long, and one can make considerably more
money personally. If you can pay for the current year, get a student loan, and hopefully,
one will not have half as much to pay off.
These are the most common pitfalls seen in high
school. Unfortunately, they may sometimes affect a more significant part of
one's life than initially thought. Going into a career like nursing, something
like student loans is almost necessary, but reducing that number as much as
possible is always helpful. Being able to manage both time and energy is essential.
Trying not to have to pay for student loans for the next twenty-five years
later is always preferable. So, try to plan out your foreseeable future and not
just the present.
Works Cited
Work Cited
WorkSafeNB. “Information for young and new workers.” Information for you and new workers, Accessed 20 September 2022.