
Chapter 10: The Later Middle Ages, 1300-1500

  • Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453)

    • Happened because of conflicts between England and France over Gascony and the cloth industry of Flanders and because of disputes over the French royal line of succession

  • Philip VI became king of France (first of the Valois line to be king)

  • Henry VI became King of France after Philip VI

  • French defeated English in final battle of Hundred Years’ War

    • England’s continental land was limited to Calais in France

  • Black Death (1347-1450)

    • Around half of Europe’s population died due to the Black Death

    • Carried by the fleas of infected rats

    • Arrived on merchant ship in 1347

    • The cause, transmission, and cure wasn’t known until the late 1800s

    • Preachers saw it as divine punishment for sins while others blamed Jews

    • Eliminated labor surplus

    • Upper classes were hurt by the economy after the plague

  • English peasants revolted against the government as it had tried to collect a new poll tax in 1381

    • Peasants marched to London demanding elimination of labor services, serfdom, and poll taxes

  • The power of Papacy declined in the late Middle Ages

  • Great Schism (1378-1417)

    • Period in which 3 popes fought at once over the rule of Church

    • Schism was resolved by the Council of Constance (1414-1418)
