26.4 Photons (copy) (copy)

26.4 Photons

  • Scientists faced a serious dilemma in the first three decades of the 20th century.
  • If we accept this model, we must have both wave-like and particle-like behaviors.
    • The dual nature of pho tons was tested in a dramatic way.
  • The hypothesis that has both particle and wave properties was ported by Soviet physicists.
  • A double-slit setup was used by Vavilov and Brumberg.
    • They wanted to make it easier to detect individual photons by reducing the number of them that pass through the slits.
    • They used extreme sensitivity to low intensities of light to detect.
    • A person who is sitting in a dark room for extended periods of time develops increasing visual sensitivity to the extent that he or she can eventually see the individual photons hitting a screen that has been covered with a special material.
  • There is a light source with variable intensity.
  • Only two bright bands should appear.
  • There should be many bright and dark bands.
  • There should be many bright and dark bands.
  • The flashes at low intensity indicate that the photons hit the screen.
  • There are places where constructive wave interference occurs.
  • Both wave-like and particle-like behaviors are exhibited by the photons.
  • The results of the experiment were astounding-- they only reached screen locations where the waves from the two slits would not interfere with each other.
    • It is as if each individual photon passes through both slits, interfering with itself, and then producing a flash only at a location on the screen where constructive interference occurs.
  • The idea of a photon as a single quantum of radiation was constructed earlier in the chapter.
    • It seems impossible that it could pass through both slits at the same time.
    • The experiment supports this strange idea.
  • The photoelectric effect is what we have seen.
    • This suggests that the photon must have something in it.
    • Because they travel at light speed, they must be treated with care.
  • There are difficulties when applying this expression to a photon.
    • If they are quanta of electromagnetic radiation, they would seem to be composed of electric and magnetic fields.
    • The nu merator should be zero.
  • We need an expression that doesn't have a square root factor.
  • In the second equation, 22 is added to the first equation.
    • This takes a lot of math.
  • There is a new equation for the total energy of an object.
  • In other words.
  • What happens when Eq.
  • The total energy of this expression is reasonable.
    • We will talk about the object at rest and the experiment later in the chapter.
  • The sun is 1030 km away.

  • The Sun emits over 1045 photonss.
  • There is an assumption that al photons have a Frequency of 1014 Hz.
    • It will be different.
  • X-rays will be used to test this expression.
    • We need to know about X-rays.
  • The story of X-rays is an example of how persistence and attention can lead to discoveries.
    • The photoelectric effect was explained by the idea that free electrons reside inside metals.
  • Physicists didn't know that metals con heats cathode in the 19th century.
  • There was a potential difference across the electrodes.
  • There are some ways to study the photoelectric effect.
    • The difference was that the bat tery's negative terminal could be heated to high temperatures, instead of being exposed to light.
  • When the tube was heated, a current appeared in the circuit and it glowed.
    • The tube's interior was a vac uum, so they thought that the cathode must emit some kind of rays.
  • The Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University was where J. J. Thomson was working.
    • When the rays hit the metal target, it became negatively charged.
    • Thomson found that the rays could be diverted by electric and magnetic fields as though they were negatively charged particles.
    • Experiments by other scientists portended the latter hypothesis.
    • The charge-to-mass ratio was not dependent on the choice of material.
  • Thomson concluded that there was only one type of cathode ray.
  • If we can explain the behavior of the cathode ray tubes, we can model a stream of charged particles.
    • The tube is hot.
    • The particles inside the cathode have a large amount of random motion and could knock each other out.
    • The electric field between the anode and the cathode would cause them to accelerate.
  • The chemists were trying to find out what electric currents were made of.
    • The value of the smal est charge carried by these particles was determined through experiments.
  • The mass of the electron is less than that of a hydrogen atom.
  • The electron is a point tube.
    • If you put the tube in on the electron and the Earth exerts the same force on it as it does on the electric, what happens?

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  • The negatively charged elec speed can be determined by determining the charge-to-mass ratio.
  • The trons follow a path.
  • There should be a relationship between downward.
  • Experiments with tubes led to the discovery of X-rays.
  • When Roentgen was ready to leave the lab, he covered the cathode ray tube with cardboard and turned off the lights.
    • The room was dark and the tube was covered in cardboard.
    • The lights were turned back on by Roentgen.
  • The screen was not bright.
  • Most people would have exhaled a sigh of relief and left.
  • The tube is completely covered.
    • Roentgen could see a shadow on the screen when he placed his hand near it.
  • The screen glowed as though the flesh of his hand was transparent, and only his bones stopped it.
  • At the time he couldn't explain what the rays were, he called them X-rays.
    • The first X-ray image of a human was made by Roentgen on December 22, 1895.
    • X-rays are still called X-rays even though we know what they are.
  • X-rays are unaffected by magnetic or electric fields.
  • The X-rays don't cause the screen to charge.
  • The photographic paper is affected by X-rays.
  • After a single narrow slit, the X-rays produce a pattern of dark and bright bands on the screen.
  • X-rays can be different colors.
  • There are many materials that can be X-rayed.
  • X-rays can be used to ionize gases.
  • The X-rays had a wavelength of 10 to 11 m, which was much smaller than visible light.
    • It is reasonable to think that X-rays are streams of high energy photons.
  • The metal is very hot due to their high random motion.
  • The electrons are hot when they escape the cathode.
  • When an electron stops when it collides with the anode, it emits electromagnetic radiation.
    • The radiation may be in the form of electron is ejected.
  • The X-rays are emitted when there is an X-ray photon.
    • The amount of energy produced by the electrons is estimated.
  • We want to know if the electrons are enough to produce an X-ray photon.
  • The potential difference between the electric field produced in a hospital and the one produced by a single X-ray tube is considered.
    • Each part of the process is represented by electrons that stop abruptly a work-energy bar chart.
    • The initial state shown below is when they collide with the anode and emit light.
  • The process is sketched in three zero electric potential energy.
  • The electron smashes into the anode.
    • The X-ray photon has been emitted.
  • The energy characteristic of vis ible light is less than this.
  • The generalized work-energy principle is higher than visible light frequencies and can be applied using the first and second state.

  • The constant is 10-34 J #s.
  • The result of our calculation shows that an elec tron can produce an X-ray photon when it stops.
  • Each photon must have a specific amount of momentum.
    • We thought LF moved away at angle U.
  • We need to describe the process.
  • The stationary electron has zero initial momentum.

  • The energy of the system should be constant.
    • The system has no electric potential energy because the pho ton is neutral.
    • The internal energy of the sys tem is zero because the photon and electron have no internal structure.
    • We need to keep track of the energy of the electron and the photon.

  • The equation can be combined with the two equa tions into a single relationship that describes the collision between the X-ray photon and the electron.
    • It is complicated because of the high speeds involved.
  • The wavelength of an X-ray photon after the col ision should always be greater than or equal to the wavelength before the collision if the hypothesis about X-rays behaving like particles is correct.
    • The right side of the book is the reason.
    • The magnitude of the photon's momentum can change.
    • The finding is reasonable because of the transfer of the photon's momentum to the electron.
  • Arthur Compton conducted an experiment in 1922 to find out if the photon's wavelength actually changes.
    • He shot a beam of X rays.
    • The binding energy between the electrons and the carbon atoms is 1000 times greater than the X-ray photons.
    • The electrons can be approximated as isolated and not interacting with the carbon atoms.
  • The photons had different wavelength than the incident.
    • The change in the photon wavelength as a function of its scattering angle was consistent.
    • With greater confidence, we can assert this idea.
  • The ideas about scattering from charged particles can now be summarized.

  • The effect that carries his name was described by the winner of the 1927 Nobel Prize.
  • Each photon has enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms or to break bonds that hold atoms together in molecule, so they are cal ed ionizing radiation.
    • Ionizing radiation can damage genes and increase the risk of cancer.
    • The chance of serious harm from UV and X-ray exposure is reduced by the body's potent DNA repair mechanisms.
    • People who work around ionizing radiation have to take precautions.
  • If the body absorbs a total of 1 then the chest X-ray will be 10-3 J.
  • Three times as long the number of photons will be.
  • Cosmic rays coming from supernovae and other objects in the universe can be seen in the food you eat.
    • You absorb about 10-3 J of this radiation per kilogram of body mass.
    • Estimate the number of seconds that the ionizing and the strontium-90 particles are absorbed each second.
  • Assume for nisms to take care of radiation exposure.
  • We can determine the number absorbed each time we are exposed to radiation.
  • The X-ray photons have particle-like behavior.
    • X-rays can exhibit wave-like behavior if they can be made to interact with objects that are similar to the wavelength of the X-rays.
    • The order of magnitude is the same as the wavelength of X-ray photons.
    • The pattern of visible light and/or UV radiation is very similar to that of the crystal lattice.
    • The electrons move to the collector.
  • The structure of genes can be determined using X-ray scat tering.
  • A key role in determining the structure of DNA was played by British biophysicist Rosalind Franklin.
  • The electrons go from the emitter to the collector in photocells and solar cells.
  • There are many applications of the photoelectric effect.
  • An electric current detector is caused by a photoelectric smoke electrons being ejected and absorbed by the col ector.
  • The magnitude of the current is a measure of the visible light.
  • Solar cells, such as the rooftop panels used to generate electric current, are triggered when the pho tocurrent reaches a certain level.
  • The No smoke Semiconductor technology we discussed in the earlier chapter is used to make solar cells.
  • Semiconductors act as conductors under some conditions.
  • Silicon is used in electronics.
  • Each electron is shared between them.
    • A light reaching electrons is an electric insulator.
    • When the photocell light shines on it, some of the electrons gain enough strength to make an alarm sound.
  • Smoke holes can be filled by other bound electrons that aren't as energetic as Smoke scatters light can still move among the still-bound elec trons.
    • If the Silicon is placed in an electric field, both free electrons and holes can potentially contribute to a current.
  • The alarm process uses light and Scattered light to increase the energy of the Silicon and allow some of it's electrons to be free.
    • The be freed depends on the light's frequencies.
  • Enhancing the purity of Silicon is one way to turn it into a conductor.
    • The two types of impurities are electron donors and electron acceptors.
  • Doping of a substance.
  • Charge transfer across the junction is not caused by light p- and n-type Semiconductors.
  • A free electron is produced.
  • For an electron acceptor, the opposite is true.
    • Boron has holes because it absorbs the Sun's three electrons.
    • Extra holes can be created by the separation of the electric field bond with the adjacent Silicon atoms.
  • The holes act as free positively charged particles without the presence of light.
  • The crystals are completely composed of neutral atoms.
  • An electric field is produced by this charge separation.
  • If we shine light on the p-n junction, both halves cause a hole to move left and the junction will absorb energy from the left side.
  • The freed electrons and holes are separated by an electric field created by the p-n junction.
    • If we connect a lightbulb to the two ends of the p-n junction, we will see a current in the circuit and the bulb will light.
    • The energy of light is converted into electricity.

  • The electron has zero energy when it leaves the metal if the photon energy is greater than f.
  • The maximum speed electron can't reach the anode.
  • If you triple the temperature of a black body, the 10.
  • The wavelength frequency is the temperature of a black body.
  • You can choose al of the photoelectric 11.

How do we know that there is a particle-like model of light?

  • The intensity of light is proportional to the photon model of light.
  • The photon model of light and rent are different.
  • The Sun emits X-rays.
    • The intensity of light is what determines why we are.
  • The photoelectric effect and the Comp 7 are very different.
  • The photoelectric effect has a photon with momentum.
  • The work function of cesium is 2.1 eV.
    • Someone could be sium.
  • Determine how much diation is emitted by each surface.
  • A blue tion could be a solution to the problem of where the most energy comes from.
  • The stars range in color from red to blue.
    • In an old-fashioned camera, the film color indicates the frequencies at which the star is exposed when light strikes it, estimating chemical reaction.
    • The surface temperature of red, yel ow, white, and blue stars is not caused by a particular type of film.
  • The lightbulb's surface area should be estimated.
  • The surface temperature of the filament when it is plugged into an outlet of 120 V is 3000 K and the power 18.
    • The electric energy/s that the bulb consumes is the electric energy/s that the carbon monoxide molecule rating of the bulb produces.
    • Incandescent lightbulbs use about 10% of the electric energy that they consume, so they use the same visible Frequency of CO vibration as the Frequency light.
  • Suppose the bond in a molecule is broken by a single photon from 1.0 cm2 of energy.
    • Determine the fre person's skin if a typical emitted photon has a wavelength of quiescent and a region of 10,000 nm.
  • The photon's wavelength is 1240 nm.
    • The ratio tech compares the average power of the surface of Earth to determine the wavelength of a photon.
  • Exposure to the entire surface of a warm object in a tanning bed.
    • It can do a lot of damage if wavelength 300 nm is used.
    • The average temperature of Earth's surface is 15 C.
  • Determine the number of 650-nm photons that have the same amount of energy as an electron.
  • Draw a picture of a phototube and electric circuit body tissues.
    • To study the photoelectric effect, you have to build a number.
    • If you want to understand the purpose of each part, you need to label all of the 10.8@mm photons and the average power dur of the pulse parts.
  • Write a problem for which the equa is 20 times per second for the unknown quantity in wavelength pulse of variable energy.
    • It is possible to determine the number of photons in tion.
  • About 1400 W>m2 is the intensity of light reaching Earth.
    • Determine the number of particles.
    • Each second, an incident reaches a 1.0@m2 area.
  • Determine the energy in 28.
    • Roughly 10% of the power of a 100 watt in crease of the electron, in units of electron volts, when the pho candescent lightbulb is emitted as light, is scattered from it.
  • An electron hit by an X-ray photon of energy is equal to 104 eV.
    • If the photon leaves the site of the collision, how will the answer change?
  • To see a 0.20 J object.
    • The light wavelength is 694.
    • The minimum light pulse to be determined.
  • A powerful laser can ond in order to see an object.
    • The wavelength of the light and the lift and support glass spheres that are 20.0 * 10 m in diam radius are assumed.
  • Ex eye can detect one photon of light of wavelength and how they work together to produce cathode rays.
  • Each 31 would be the number of such photons that enter the eye.
  • They are very efficient at converting.
  • 33 are most living organisms.
    • The fireflies use adenosine triphosphate as an energy mol ence.
    • A firefly would crash into the X-ray tube if it was given a number of ATP molecules.
  • The laser is moving toward the center of the screen.
    • The light shines on the sail of a tiny 0.10-g cart that expression for the strength of the field so the electron hits the can coast on a horizontal frictionless track.
  • The light is total.
  • The light is a total field.
    • The absorbed by the sail must be determined.
  • There are comets.
    • A person absorbs jects that move around the Sun while being X-rayed.
    • The number of comet's head is determined by the amount of X-ray photons absorbed during the exam.
  • When the comet is close to the sun, there are gases and dust.
    • Independent absorbs X-ray radiation.
    • The tail always points to a positive charged ion in the direction of the comet.
  • Roughly 150 million km from Earth is the Sun.
  • The original experiment involved scattering.
  • Canis Major is the second-brightest star in the north ton when it collides with an electron or with a carbon ern sky.
    • Its surface temperature is an atom and it travels at a 90 angle.
  • The minimum number of plants that capture and store energy from the Sun should be estimated.
    • Use the assumptions you used in mak to build complex molecules.
    • The process begins.
  • The reverse reaction releases a lot of energy.
  • Determine the ratio of the energy released from one antenna to another until it reaches an "acceptor" molecule.
    • The energy absorbed by the acceptor is passed to an electron transport chain, where it is captured and stored.
  • The electron transport chain, dium surface with a work function of 2.2 eV, is made of waves.
  • The light is reflected from a mirror.
    • Determine the force that the light exerts on the mirror.
  • Suppose one of the antenna molecules absorbs a photon.
  • 1400 J>s # m2 is the photon and tion intensity of a molecule like this.
    • The original energy state can be determined in about 10-8 s.
  • The radiation on Earth is linked to the antenna molecule in the photosynthetic units.
  • A photon is absorbed by one antenna.
    • If we wanted to support molecule, we could levitate the person on a beam of light.
  • The person's neighbors are more or less random.
  • An electron is located in an open region of space port chain.
    • The energy is struck by a photon of light at several places along this pathway.

  • The photographs were taken with a regular camera and an infra.

What is the number of antenna molecules that can be absorbed by a black plastic bag?

  • The photoelectric transfer of an electron to the electron transport chain can be accomplished if the neighboring antenna molecules are separated by 10 m.
  • The antenna molecule that absorbed the photon is the source of the high-energy electron that transfers into an electron trans port chain.
  • The man's glasses appear clear with the regular camera photo, which comes from the acceptor molecule that is excited by and black with the IR camera photo.
  • A person's body can't be that way.
  • The law gives the peak wavelength of the radia face.
  • A and b and c radiation are included.
