Chapter 6: The Transformation of the Classical World

  • The 200 year period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire ended with the murder of Emperor Commudus

  • Roman Empire was weakened in the 3rd century by internal and external conflicts

    • Emperors were weak and corrupt

    • Army kept switching their allegiances from emperor to emperor

    • Majority of the Emperors didnā€™t live long

    • Resources were strained

    • The Empire was too large to manage efficiently

    • High inflation rates

    • Emperor gained more dictatorial powers

  • The size of the army grew in the 3rd century

    • Soldiers were raised to the highest level of public power, no matter their birth

  • The Roman Empire faced internal violence and external threats from Germanic barbarians

  • Germanic society lived in small villages

    • Lived in patriarchal households

    • Pagans/Polytheistic

    • While husbands were at war, women managed the lands and household

    • Made up of clans

  • Imperial organization in the late 3rd century allowed for the empire to regain stability

  • Empire was divided into parts as it was too great to be ruled as a whole

  • There are many different theories on the fall of Rome, with it being impossible to pinpoint just one cause

    • Political, social, economic, or militaristic conflicts

    • Barbarian invasions

    • Decreased prestige of Senate

    • Abolishment of political rivals in upper classes

    • Christianity

  • Despite half of the Empire falling, the other half went on to survive for another 1000 years
