Eyewitness, Fatt Hing Chin, hunting for gold
The building of American States
The United States: Westward Expansion and Civil War
Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny
Conflict with Indigenous Peoples
The Mexican-American War
Sectional Conflict
The US Civil War
Slavery and cotton farming as a cash crop isolated southern states from economic developments in the rest of the United States
By the mid 19th century, the southern states were the major exporter of cotton to the world, with the British Isles importing most of it
The manufactured goods consumed in southern states mostly came from Britain, and the food almost all came from farms
Southerners regarded themselves as self-sufficient and did not see a need for the rest of the U.S
Northerners did not approach the world from the same lens
 They fought against slavery, viewed secession as illegal insurrection and an act of betrayal and fought against the idea of a state subject to blackmail by its constituent parts.
They also fought for a way of life
Their emerging industrial society and an expansive western agricultural system based on free labour
The first 2 years of the war were a draw
This changed when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, making the abolition of slavery a main goal of the war
As the war went on, Lincoln saw abolishing slavery as the only way to achieve union
days after the Union victory at
Antietam, President Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation
Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation 1 January 1863, and it freed the slaves in the states that had rebelled
Ironically, in the slaves that were for the union, slavery was protected by the Constitution
The solution, which Lincoln firmly backed, was the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1865, which abolished slavery everywhere in the United States
Eventually, the northern states won in the Civil War, after the grisly battle at Gettysburg in July 1863 had turned the military tide against southern forces
The northern states brought substantial resources to the war effort ~90 percent of the country's industrial capacity and ~2/3 of its railway lines, but it still took 4 years against a formidable enemy
The northern states prevailing meant that the US abolished slaveryÂ
As European lands were becoming powerful based on revolutionary ideals, liberalism, and nationalism, the United States also fashioned a strong central government to oversee the westward expansion and take care of issues plaguing the country -- social and political
The Canadian Dominion: Independence without War