Four Objectives For Physical Development & Learning:
*Development happens in a cephalocaudal (head downwards) direction: children grow from the center out which is called proximodistal pattern*
Traveling Skills:
-Ages 1-3 experiment with ways of moving
-Ages 3-5 moves in purposeful ways with control
-Ages 4-6 coordinates complex movements in play & games
Balancing Skills:
-Ages 1-3 experiment with different ways to balance
-Ages 2-5 balance during simple movement experiences
-Ages 5+ sustain balance during complex movement experiences
Fine Motor Skills:
-Ages 0-1 reach out to touch/hold object
-Ages 1-3 use finger/arm movements to explore & manipulate objects
-Ages 2-5 use refined wrist/finger movements
-Ages 5+ use small precise finger/hand movements
Gross Motor Skills:
-Ages 1-3 manipulate balls/other objects with stiff body motions
-Ages 4-6 manipulate balls/other objects with flexible body motions
-Ages 5+ manipulate balls/other objects with full range of motion
Four Main Parental Styles:
Emotional Intelligence Development:
Temperament: Person/animals (born with) nature
Activity Level: Physical/mental energy of a child
Sociability: Friendliness/want for interaction with people
Emotionality: Intensity of emotion
Self Control: Controls behavior, delayed gratification, plans ahead, inhibits bad responses
Aggressiveness Vs. Cooperativeness: The way a child reacts in a social setting- either with aggression or acceptance
Goodness of Fit: Concept like temperament- tendency of a parent to adapt to their child's temperament
Regulating Own Emotions/Behaviors:
-Ages 0-2 use adults to calm self, respond to changes in an adults tone/expression, & indicate needs/wants
-Ages 2-4 comfort self by finding special object/person, accept redirection from adults, & seek to do things independently
-Ages 5-7 develop delayed gratification & looks at situation differently, manages rules & routines & transitions (with reminders), & show confidence in meeting own needs
-Ages 7-8 control strong emotions in appropriate manner, apply rules in new but similar situations, & takes responsibility for own wellbeing
Establishing/Sustaining Positive Relationships:
Forming Relationships With Adults:
-Ages 1-2 demonstrate a secure attachment to adults
-Ages 3-4 use trusted adults as a secure base to explore the world
-Ages 5-6 manage separation without stress & engage with trusted adults
-Ages 7-8 engage with trusted adults as resources & to socialize
Responding To Emotional Cues:
-Ages 0-2 react to others emotional expressions
-Ages 3-4 show concern for others feelings
-Ages 5-6 identify basic emotional reactions of others & their causes accurately
-Ages 7-8 recognize others feelings
Interacting With Peers:
-Ages 1-3 play near other children
-Ages 3-4 use strategies to enter games/groups
-Ages 4-5 interact well in groups of 4-5 children
Making Friends:
-Ages 1-3 seek a preferred friend
-Ages 3-4 play with 1-2 friends
-Ages 4-5 make close friendship with 1 child (might be a short friendship)
-Ages 5+ maintains friendships for at least a few months