Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age)
- Evidence
- Archaeological finds
- Extrapolation from modern hunter-gatherer societies (Extrapolation means to create a bigger picture from limited data)
- Nomadic existence preludes advanced civilizations
- Groups of 30-50
- Division of labor along gender lines
- Women didn't hunt to prevent the risk of potential children being killed/bloodline not being carried
Relative Social Equality
- Nomadic culture precedes the accumulation of land-based wealth
- More likely determinants of status: age, hunting skill, fertility, charisma
- Possible gender equality related to food production
- Men: Protein from hunting
- Women: Plant gathering
Big Game Hunting
- Evidence of intelligent coordination of hunting expeditions
- Development of weaponry
- Animal skin disguises
- Stampeding tactics
- Lighting fires, etc. to drive game into kill zone
- Requires planning, communication
Cro-Magnon Peoples
- Physically similar to modern humans
- Greater capacity for speech
- "Homo sapien sapiens"
- Increased variety of tools
- Adornments, decorative furniture, cave paintings
- Venus figurines/cave paintings
Neolithic Era (New Stone Age)
- Distinction in tool production
- Men: herding animals rather than hunting
- Women: nurtured vegetation rather than foraging
- Spread of agriculture
- Slash and burn techniques
- Exhaustion of soil promotes
- Transport of crops from one region to another
Surplus Food/The Specialization of Labor
- Emergence of villages/towns
- Discoveries at Catal Huyuk, Turkey, occupied 7250-5400 BCE
- Tremendous range of manufactured products
- Pottery, jewelry, textiles, copper tools
- Development of crafts
Religious Values
- Elements of natural environment essential for functioning
- Archaeological evidence of religious worship; thousands of clay figurines, drawings on pots, tool decoration, other ritual objects
- Fertility: Venus figurines
Beginnings of Urbanization
- Jericho - earliest town, concentration of wealth, building a wall
- Craft specialization
- Social stratification
- Governance
- Cultural workers