- Figure 09.F02: Structure of Muscle. Muscle cells or fibers are wrapped in connective tissue and bundled together. The muscle attaches to the bone via the tendons.
Muscle Contraction
- Calcium-binding to troponin. Tropomyosin moves and exposes myosin-binding cite. You get the ATP from moving and bring it back to its place.
- Muscle Type
- The difference in the rate of tension development is attributable to the expression of myosin ATPase isozymes
- Type I
- Red muscle
- High in mitochondria
- High capillary density
- High in myoglobin
- Oxidative phosphorylate
- FA
- Pyruvate = enter mitochondria
- Endurance
- Type II(a)
- Training effects
- Endurance type I
- Strength & sprinting type II(b)
- Type II(b)
- White muscle
- Low in mitochondria (low in oxygen)
- Low in capillary density
- Low in myoglobin
- Very high glycolytic activity
- Anaerobic
- Power
- Short-term - sprinting
- Glycolysis
Muscle adaptation to Strength Training
- Muscle fiber hypertrophy from strength training
- Increase in both type I and type II (increase more) muscle fibers
- Augmentation of the number of myofibrils and supportive structural components
- Increase in muscle protein synthesis
- The decrease in muscle protein breakdown
- Gains in force
- Muscle hypertrophy
- Improved efficiency regarding muscle energy and physical systems
- Faster isoforms
- Muscle Adaptation to Endurance Exercise
- Metabolic adaptations increase the ability to oxidize fatty acids and conserve carbohydrates
- Mitochondrial protein increases - in endurance training
- Adaptation in storage, transport, mobilization, and endogenous production of energy
- Cardiovascular adaptations
- Increase in vascular density
- Increase in muscle blood flow (high-intensity training)
- Redistribution of blood flow within the active muscle
Respiratory Quotient
- RQ = CO2/O2
- CHO = 1
- Fat ~ 0.7
- Protein ~ 0.82
- The metabolic pathway used for en for work
- Availability of fuel and O2
- Duration of activity
- Conditioning or training
- Work intensity increases O2uptake
- Intensity increases = increases oxygen. Breathing more.
- The point at which an increase in the intensity of the exercise no longer results in an increase in the volume of O2 taken up.
- Mitochondrial content increase (greater) > at higher training intensities. Muscle increases.
- Need longer time at lower VO2 max to have the same increase in mitochondria
- Figure 9.10.0: Contribution to ATP During Early Exercise
- Primary Energy Systems in Muscle and Their Involvement in Energy Expenditure Based on Time and Intensity
Hormonal Adaptation to Acute and Chronic Exercise
- Endocrine factors
- Catecholamines:
- Epinephrine - more potent than NE in muscle
Glycogen breakdown – stimulates
Lipolysis – stimulates
Adipose tissue
Higher blood glucose decreases adrenal gland secretion
Lipolysis – Adipose tissues
- Insulin
- Circulating levels decrease in high-intensity exercise
- Exercise (high intensity) enhances insulin sensitivity
- Glucagon
- Blood glucose driver of levels
- Blood glucose drops = glucagon increases
Hormonal Adaptation to Acute and Chronic Exercise
- Increase during exercise
- Cortisol
- Growth hormone
- Endorphins – increases for a better mood.
Energy Sources during Exercise
- Fuel sources during exercise
- Muscle glycogen - energy
- Plasma glucose – taken up
- Plasma fatty acids – taken up and coming from glycolysis
- Intramuscular triacylglycerol
Energy Sources during Exercise
- Exercise intensity & duration
- Low intensity
- Moderate intensity
- Increased fatty acid oxidation (due to muscle TG) (not used a lot) (hydrolysis of the muscle)
- High intensity
- CHO oxidation increases
- Lactate production increases
- Level of exercise training
- Training increases muscle glycogen & TG stores
- < 50% VO2 max favor FA
- insufficient blood flow to deliver FA from AT to maintain FA oxidation
- FA oxidation requires more O2
- FA transfer into mitochondria is slow due to carnitine
Endurance training
- Increases aerobic ability
- Increase in size & # of mitochondria
- Increase in cardiovascular capacity
- Increase in lung capacity
- Hypertrophy of Type I muscle
- Increase in oxidative enzymes
- Increased utilization of fat for en in sub-max ex
- Spares glucose utilization in exercise
- Increase capacity for muscle glycogen storage
- Hormone Response to Endurance Exercise
Carbohydrate Supplementation (Supercompensation)
- Classical regimen
- 2 sessions of intense exercise, 2 days of the low-CHO diet, 3 days of high-CHO diet + rest
- Modified regimen
- Exercise tapered over 5 days, 1 day of rest
- 3 days of the 50%-CHO diet, then 3 days of the 70%-CHO diet
- Protein Recommendations
- Resistance exercise
- Eat soon after completion of the exercise
> 20 g protein
> 6 g essential amino acids
Augments muscle protein synthesis.
Carbohydrate increases insulin levels which decreases muscle protein breakdown.
- Prolonged endurance exercise
- AA supply 5- 10 % of energy
- BCAA N important
- for transamination of pyruvate
- carbon skeletons provide fuel
- The 0.8 g per kilogram body mass (RDA) represents a liberal requirement believed to be adequate for all people.
- A protein intake of between 1.4 and 2 g per kg of body mass or 15- 20 en %, should adequately meet the possibility for added protein needs during strenuous training.
- Individuals>50 years of age need more.
- Amino Acids
- Muscle
- Increased capacity to metabolize BCAA
- Increased branched-chain a-keto acid dehydrogenase (breakdown chained amino acid)
- Increased synthesis of glutamine
- Release glutamine and alanine during prolonged exercise
- Leucine
- Stimulates protein synthesis
- Milk just or more effective than BCAA formula