War is over
USSR has control over a big portion of Germany because Stalin doesn’t want to give any land to the French, so America and Britain give some of their German land to France
Stalin wants more land so he can spread communism
1948, everybody except for Stalin is ready to give Germany back to Germans - Those lands become known as West Germany, with Stalin’s being known as East Germany
Also split control of Berlin
Could have front of house in West Berlin and the back in East Berlin
Stalin wants West Berlin to be communist
Communism is not an enjoyable state to live in - doesn’t want people in East Berlin to see the better conditions of West Berlin
Gives East Berlin a ton of stuff, cheap consumer goods, nice nightclubs, movie theaters, etc. so it’s communist government seems better
People from West Berlin can just go to these nightclubs and theaters, and then go back to West Berlin - get the best of both worlds.
Important people in East Berlin can spend a day in West Berlin, don’t come back
Stalin closes off Berlin from West Germany
Stalin is willing to start World War III
Truman’s military wants to attack, but Truman doesn’t - wants to avoid conflict
Could give up - it’s a weird situation, would be fair
Don’t want to - would be similar to appeasement, giving Stalin too much could end up leading to World War III anyway
Giving Supplies to the people of West Berlin constantly
If these planes gets shot down, would probably mean war.
Truman sends one atomic bomb with each of the planes - won’t use it, but shooting them down would risk total destruction
Stalin gives up on this - should be a massive victory for Truman, but American people don’t see it like that
American people think that this entire situation never would have happened if FDR was president, think he’s spineless
American people had adjusted to having FDR as President, Truman is like his exact opposite - people don’t like him because of this
Truman considered to be one of the worst presidents during his time period
Now, Truman’s decisions were almost always correct
Notable things with Truman - ends segregation, stops Stalin, doesn’t smoke or drink, takes care of his appearance, takes blame for mistakes he made
Much higher in Presidents ranking today than he was right after WWII
General Ranking right after WWII - Washington/Lincoln, FDR, TR
Truman being top 4 presidents is valid opinion
Post War period where it seemed like a possibility that we could go to war with the Soviet Union
Russia was a superpower - not as strong today
Stuff is going much better now - large portion of Americans are now in the middle class
Wartime rationing + wages allowed people to make good money, couldn’t spend all of it because of rationing and self limiting (patriotism)
People want to spend the money that they’ve saved - cars, homes, food, etc.
Spending money → more jobs → more stuff to buy; cycle of wealth
Modern America is made by this ripple effect
Suburbs are created - living in a city = living in the city, living in a small town = living in the town - building communities of cheap homes outside of town.
Levittown - suburb with house as small as this classroom + some land outside
Gave opportunity to get the good things of cities(i.e. nightlife) without the bad things(i.e. pollution)
Same demographic of people are buying houses, young people who had experienced the war and getting married
Single model of house, could modify a little bit, but not a lot - made from very cheap materials
G.I. Bill (~1944) - Basically a way to compensate veterans done right
Guaranteed a mortgage; still need to keep up with payments, but will definitely get the mortgage - automatically guaranteed
Continued to pay them for a year - doesn’t matter what you do with it, just meant to ease you back into the world
Free college - study whatever, wherever, they will pay no matter what
Majority don’t take advantage
Could already have a family - can’t take the time to go to college
Could make just as much money at places like Ford - wouldn’t make that much straight out of college
Huge baby boom - then, you could get a job for anything easily as long as you were good at it
Kennan - Knows a lot about Stalin, used to live in Russia
Knew what Communism was about - sends telegram to Truman, known as the Long Telegram
Truman is convinced, want to stop the spread - lots more communist countries now
Kennan creates the idea of containment, Truman creates the policy
Truman Doctrine - Truman saying we will contain communism
Basically - give money to countries and tell them not to lean to the communist side
Marshall Plan - basically this, will give money to anyone that needs it
Stalin won’t take the money because then it’s an admission that communism sucks
Germans had plans for everything, how to execute a war
America realizes in post war that we need that
National Security Act streamlines the process
Prevents a lot of rivalry between different groups of military, makes it easier
President → Secretary of Defense → Joint Chiefs ( Top Admirals)
Joint Chiefs create contingency plans, don’t predict everything, but they do help with coordinating plans a lot faster
Created NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Communist countries make the Warsaw Pact
Same stuff as World War II - if one is attacked, others defend
Chang Kai Shek - leading China, everybody is backing him pretty much
Chang leaves, pretty much losing - says Taiwan is real China
Truman is the Democratic candidate
Definitely can’t win - accidentally nominated, not well liked at his time
Tom Dewey - Republican Candidate
Governor of New York, prosecutor for Al Capone case
Thurmond - Dixiecrat Candidate, Southern Democrats
This party’s creation guarantees Truman’s loss
Somehow, Truman wins
Dewey started acting like he already won, and Truman doesn’t stop trying
Truman campaigned through the South, was an underdog
Dewey was very overconfident, neglected the West
Everyone in the West votes for Truman
People are annoyed - still didn’t want him to win
During the election, Truman integrated the federal government and the armed forces - no more segregation here
Knew that it could’ve lost him votes or the election, but did it because it was right
Forty years of Japanese occupation in Korea
Division; thought to be temporary, but no deadline
America takes South Korea, Russia takes North Korea
North Korea ran by Kim Il Sung, diehard communist
South Korea ran by Syngman Rhee, somewhat democratic, but appointed by us - also dead against communism
Both sides were brutal - however, South is against communism, so it’s overlooked.
Kim Il-Sung wants to invade, but Stalin wants to avoid another World War, so he says no
In a speech, Truman doesn’t specify that he’ll defend South Korea, so Stalin ok’s an invasion
Invasion is super suprising, completely overwhelmed - American and South Korean troops are pushed way back
Troops are completely unexperienced - Weren’t really in World War II, old equipment from WWII, was enough for occupation but not even close to counter an invasion
Truman calls a meeting of the UN - Stalin is on boycott until Mao Zedong’s China is admitted, so everyone agrees to stop the aggression in Korea
Douglass MacArthur goes to Korea, WWII veteran - makes it seem like they’re in a perfect position
Go for Inchon and flank North Korean forces, while Pusan American troops push back - shouldn’t have worked, but it’s very successful
Since it’s going so well, US decides to go further into North Korea to try and unite it under anti-Communist rule
China tries to tell them to back off, MacArthur doesn’t - thinks he knows how the Asian mind works
Chinese troops crossed river, hid, and destroyed the Americans - pushed way back, Seoul is retaken
MacArthur wants to use nukes on China, North Korea - Truman is confused
MacArthur writing behind Truman’s back
Risks of nukes are published in newspapers
MacArthur fired because of everything he’s done, approached for presidency
Big egos involved in this conflict - Truman, Stalin, Mao
Prisoners of War from North Korea and China want to stay - forced out
Stevenson - Democratic Candidate
Decent Presidential candidate
IKE (Dwight Eisenhower) - Republican Candidate
Chosen over MacArthur, has all of his advantages without any of the drawbacks
“We Like IKE”
IKE wins in a landslide, Stalin dies
Lots of disorganization among these major powers, Kim Il Sung sees that this can’t go on forever
Armistice between the Koreas - Still going on today
IKE was old and grandfatherly, needed someone younger to counteract that
Nixon - was like the opposite of IKE; from California, young, etc.
Nixon Fund threatened his career - was allegedly taking bribes
Was part of HUAC - Red hunter
Much worse than the previous red scare - organization made to investigate communism
There are communist spies at this time
The government wants to make sure that we don’t have any
Looking through everything - any secrets you have are exposed
FBI talks to people from years ago to know everything
Nixon worked for this
Biggest enemy for Nixon was Alger Hiss
Alger Hiss was thought to be a communist spy who helped Stalin at the Yalta Conference so that he would get his way
Alger Hiss maintained that he was innocent, Nixon maintains that he was guilty
Alger Hiss likely was a spy - ALES = codename, known from Venona program that decoded Soviet messages
McCarthyism - Drags in people, ruins their reputation unless information was given
McCarthy was super influential - Only reason IKE got the nomination for President
The Civil Rights movement is bad for America because of American reactions towards it
Trying to sell the idea that America’s way of life is the best while certain races are being treated much worse than others
Movment really begins in 1950’s, but very beginning is with Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson, 1947 - First African-American baseball player in fifty years
MLB wants to ban black players because of expansion to the South
Leagues for black people - still good, but MLB was the best place for a career
Branch Ricky wants to integrate the leagues
Jackie Robinson - Good, young enough, been in war, great athlete, intelligent, etc.
Robinson was going to be harassed - Ricky said to give him three years and he’d be the best player
Robinson becomes the best player, and basically integrates black people into the league - other teams aren’t looking at race anymore, only skill
Black student had to walk through really bad area to get to black school, want to go to the white school
No other courts heard the case other than the Supreme Court - Reason is for new justices, Warren and Marshall
Warren was very conservative before his time in the court, Warren became very liberal after he entered
Marshall - Lawyer for the Brown Family
Marshall argues that “separate but equal” is inherently untrue - Supreme Court agrees
Integration is ordered, but states take as long as they can to do so - Don’t do it, get sued, forced to do it - several year process
Generally, when a bus was full, black people sat in the back or had to stand, white people in front
Rosa Parks chooses to continue sitting when asked to move to the back
Her not giving up her seat was planned - worked with government, act of civil disobedience
Parks0 was arrested, no plan after that
Martin Luther King Jr - takes charge of the movement, starts the boycott against the buses
Would walk to work together - was illegal, only a certain number of African American people could be in a group together, whether in walking or driving
King is harassed, house is firebombed
Buses continue to run routes, losing money
Once desegregated, buses will actually be desegregated - otherwise, money would’ve been lost
Eisenhower didn’t do anything about Civil Rights - saw it as a state issue
9 students want to go to school at a white school
Governor says no, brings in National Guard to intimidate
Eisenhower gets involved, lets students go to school
A couple of people near Stalin either killed him or let him die
Nikita Khrushchev - Stalin’s replacement, scares people because he might be crazy
America broadcasts things to Eastern countries, saying that they will help any of them with rebellion
Hungary revolts, Russia immediately crushes them
America starting war against Russia would lead to World War III, so America decides not to help
Sends two messages - America won’t help as much as they could, and Russia will destroy rebellions
Ho Chi Minh - important Vietnamese leader, wants self determination, not allowed
Ho Chi Minh helped US in WWII, want to maintain that relationship
France has a colony, US doesn’t want them to let go of it so they can keep being a superpower
Ho Chi Minh comes out as communist, US withdraws support for Vietnam
Vietnam is living in stone age era, like it this way - want independence, want to be left alone,
Fought like an Eastern war
France wants to pull out, US doesn’t want them to
A couple of people in Vietnam don’t want communism
Temporarily divide country at the 17th parallel
Ho Chi Minh has North Vietnam, Diem has South Vietnam
Both doing similar things, corrupt government
US doesn’t like Diem, but have to deal with him - he will be assassinated by the people
Ho Chi Minh would win an election, so US calls off the election
US says that communists would cheat in elections, so they don’t do election
Vietnamese don’t care about Communism or Capitalism - care about Ho Chi Minh
Communists would probably cheat
Permanent division of Vietnam - give Diem a lot of resources to defend
US assumed that all communist countries were being led by Russia - incorrect
Coup in Egypt
Nasser wants to rebuild Egyptian infrastructure
US wants to help, give money - Nasser wants to see if Communists will give money too, so US call off the deal
Nasser attacks Suez Canal - British and French go to war
Soviet Union is supporting Egypt now
Britain, France, Israel vs. Egypt, Soviet Union
US and Soviet Union come together in Union for quick end
Eisenhower says he would defend the Middle East
Turns out that there is a lot of oil in the Middle East
OPEC is made - basically decides how much oil will be produced, practically control everything
US is falling behind the Soviet Union in terms of technology
Sputnik - Russia sends something to space, could use these for warfare
IKE had a policy to prevent warfare - Massive Retalliation, respond with nukes - not as good anymore since everyone has one
MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction - if one side launches, the other will too, both will be destroyed
Still Like IKE - beats Stevenson again, gets second term
IKE can’t go for a third term because of constintution
Heath wasn’t great - two heart attacks
Republicans - Nixon, Lodge;
Nixon is the next best thing to IKE, basically was groomed to be president during IKE’s second term
Nixon gets Lodge for Massachusetts so that he can take the state from Kennedy
Democrats - JFK, LBJ; JFK is intelligent, charismatic, articulate, good-looking, wealthy, young, energetic, younger wife that could be more intelligent, but he didn’t have a lot of experience, especially compared to Nixon
JFK barely got the nomination - Lyndon Johnson was more experienced, feels that his chances were stolen by JFK
Johnson gets vice president nomination, takes it because he knows that it could result in him becoming president
JFK wins - debates generally favor the underdog
Debates are televised, Nixon is not as marketable - older, kids are older too
JFK used to be a movie star, knew exactly what to wear to make himself look better
Nixon doesn’t look nearly as good